Anyone Can Help a Foster Child
Whether you’re an individual, company, professional sports team, influencer, venue, or media station, we'd love to work with you to help foster kids thrive.
Ticket to Dream programs reach over 220,000 foster children across all 50 states, allowing us to put a wide variety of resources to work quickly and efficiently
across the nation or in your specific community.
Below you’ll find easy ways to help foster kids, just be kids. Don’t see what you're looking for? Ticket to Dream always welcomes the opportunity to create custom partnerships, sponsorships, or campaigns, just email info@tickettodream.org.

Donate Products for Kids of All Ages
Your donation of essential items or fun extras ensures foster children, infant-teen, have the freedom to play and walk with confidence. Whether you are an individual donating a single item, a group hosting a collection drive, or a business with an inventory of products, every donation makes a difference. We even have team building events that help kiddos!
Donating Essentials Helps Kids Build Confidence
Donate or Fundraise for Kids
Your donation is used to help foster kids of all ages receive everyday essential items, experience extracurriculars like joining the sports team, get help in school, and helps Ticket to Dream grow our programs to reach kids across the country. We make it easy to make an online donation, set up a monthly donation, host an online fundraiser, create a corporate giving program, take donations at points of sale and more. Tax receipts are emailed promptly for your records.
There are many ways to donate or raise funds for kids
Donate Your Time
Over 200,000 children enter foster care each year. Whether they are days old or teens, they need a safe home and supportive adults to help them heal from past traumas, keep up in school, and become successful adults. With a national shortage of foster parents, over 100,000 children waiting for adoptions, and growing research that shows how impactful a CASA or mentor can be to a youth, there are many ways you can personally connect with foster kids.
Click below to find volunteer opportunities with us and our non-profit partners in your area that are looking for foster/adoption parents, volunteers, or mentors.